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Primary Medical Care For The New Age: What About The Rest Of Us?

New models of primary care offer a lot, however can they deliver for everyone? My hunch: they are focused on a younger, healthier, less demanding population.

For me, I have no expectation (or desire, for that matter) that I will be getting my medical care in my PJ’s—until I am unable to get out of my PJ’s.

Has COVID Fear Gone Too Far When It Comes To Caring For Our Health?

The corona virus pandemic has caused a lot of heartbreak and sorrow, especially as this country has passed two hundred thousand deaths, millions infected, some seriously and others with long lasting side effects from the infection. People are afraid. That is understandable. However, Is all the fear justified?  When it comes to being cautious, the answer is yes. However when it comes to caring for your personal health and well-being, maybe not as much. The pandemic is causing many people to forgo routine health care because of their fears of getting infected if they go the doctor or the hospital.… Read More »Has COVID Fear Gone Too Far When It Comes To Caring For Our Health?

Our Nation’s Health Is Heading In The Wrong Direction

Hang around medical folks and politicians long enough and you will inevitably hear that we have the greatest health care in the world. And while that may be true for some, it is not true for all. Simply stated, when it comes to our health. We aren’t getting the job done. The sad reality is that we now have evidence we are failing in two important measures of health care for our nation: high blood pressure and obesity which together have a huge impact on our health outcomes and deaths over time. Two recent online reports (here and here) and… Read More »Our Nation’s Health Is Heading In The Wrong Direction